We are sad to announce that our daycare is closed due to relocation to a diffrent province. We appreciate your interest and business entrousting the most precious little hearts and minds.



Open and honest communication between parents and the caregiver is the foundation of a mutually enjoyable and satisfying relationship. The quality of care provided for your child grows out of our relationships with you, the parents. E-mail and phone are great ways to open any conversation that seems to get lost in the rush of transitions.  Special meetings can be arranged any time.
Calling during the day. Most of the children eat lunch and go down for their naps between 12.30  and 3 p.m. As a general rule, please call during the day before 12:00 or after 3:15. Do not hesitate to call anytime in an emergency.


The parent(s) and/or caregiver reserve the right to request that the child withdraw if the child is unable to adapt or adjust within the first month, or in the caregiver’s opinion, the child has needs that cannot be met in Creative Minds Daycare. During this period, either the parent or the caregiver may end the contract and a refund will be issued for the unused portion of the fees.Once the probationary period has passed, both the parent and the caregiver agree to give one full month written notice on the first of the month, if the child is to be removed from care or pay one month’s fees in lieu of notice.  If fees for services are not paid and suitable arrangement cannot be agreed upon, termination of services may be required.  


Parents must accompany their child in and out of the daycare each day. Children will only be released into the care of either the parent or a substitute who has been pre-authorized in writing. This policy is very strict.  It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the daycare with copies of their separation agreement, court orders or any other documents setting out custody arrangements, if applicable.

 If a parent arrives to pick up his or her child and is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the caregiver will offer to call an authorized substitute to pick up the parent and child or will open her home to the parent so that he/she may become sober. If an impaired parent insists on leaving with the child, the caregiver will call the RCMP and the Ministry of Children and Families to report the incident.

If a parent does not arrive to pick up his/her child, and is not responding to phone calls, and if an authorized substitute is not available, the caregiver will keep the child in her care until the parent has been contacted, overnight if necessary. If no explanation has been found by 8 pm, the caregiver will report the incident to the RCMP and the Ministry of Children and Families.

Daycare hours of operation are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm and parents are asked to keep drop-off and pick-up consistent within these hours in the case of a late pick-up, the caregiver must be notified as soon as possible. Late pick-ups are a problem as they disrupt the lives of the caregiver, her family and the child in care. Therefore, a $10 an hour fee will be charged for late pick-ups and if parents are consistently late to pick up their children, then they will be given one month notice to find another childcare arrangement.


Parents will provide a pair of indoor and outdoor shoes as well as an extra set of indoor clothing. Appropriate outdoor clothing is required as children will have outdoor play time every day. Children must wear suitable hats both in the winter and in the summer. Parents are required to supply diapers, diaper-rash cream, and sunscreen. Parental consent is required in order to apply sunscreen to a child. Insect repellent wilt never be used on children in care. If biting insects are a problem outside, then outdoor time will be cancelled. The daycare windows are equipped with screens to keep insects out. 


All meals and snacks are included in the daily fee. This includes mid-morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. Any baby food or formula must be supplied by the parents. The caregiver serves healthy lunches and snacks with an emphasis on whole, unprocessed foods, with limited or no salt and sugar added. Lunches will be made up of the four food groups and snacks will have at least two groups represented. Children will not be forced to eat and will never be rewarded with candy. Milk and water will be offered to drink. All dietary restrictions will be respected and peanut and peanut products will not be served.


If a child is ill, parents must keep the child at home for the first day of the illness (at least). Parents must also keep their child at home if child:

  •         Has a communicable disease (chicken pox, measles, fever, mumps, pink eye, hand and foot disease, and rosella- must be reported to the Interior Health Authority)
  •         Has a contagious infection, including pink eye
  •         Has fever over 38 degrees Celsius
  •         Is vomiting or has diarrhea within the last 48 hours
  •         Has a skin infection or an undiagnosed rash
  •         Has untreated head lice or scabies
  •         Is not well enough to attend school
  •         Is unable to participate in all activities including outdoor play.

If this is done, then it is less likely that all children and their families will become ill.

The caregiver will not administer medication for fevers. Therefore, parents must not bring their child to daycare until 24 hours after the fever has passed. If a child becomes ill while in care, the parent will be notified and required to pick up their child immediately. It is the policy for Creative Minds Daycare caregivers to administer only prescription medication, and a written consent form from the parent is required. All medication must be in its original container with instructions for use and prescribed to the child.

Smoking is strictly prohibited in Creative Minds Daycare and on the property of the daycare. If a parent breaks this rule, a first offence will be given a warning. A second offence will require the parent to arrange for an alternate person to pick up the child from care. A third offence will require the parent to arrange for alternate childcare. 


It is the legal responsibility of the caregiver to report suspected abuse and or neglect of the children in her care. Reportable incidents will be written up and reported to the Interior Health Authority. It is understood that these policies and procedures are in the best interest of the children, their parents and the caregiver.


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